Privacy Policy & Terms of Service


Last updated 02/01/2024.

Thank you for purchasing a Spectacular Living LLC service or product. We look forward to supporting you through your journey and growth.

As we kick things off, we want to make sure we’re on the same page, and that you have a clear understanding of our practices and policies.

If, as you review this (and / or any time throughout our Sessions) you have any questions whatsoever about the session, process or the policies outlined, please contact Spectacular Living LLC or [email protected] right away. We are firmly committed to providing an outstanding customer experience and delivering results that exceed your expectations.

You have engaged Spectacular Living LLC to provide transformational coaching and / or business consulting services. These services will be provided by company founder & coach Shannon Schroth or an assigned team member via video call (Zoom, google, or similar service provider) and e-mail, unless other arrangements are agreed upon at the start of the coaching agreement.

Please be aware of the following expectations and terms of your agreement with Spectacular Living LLC. In booking your initial consult (or, in the case of a signed Coach and Client Agreement, in responding to the session kickoff email with intake form), or in purchasing a service or product from Spectacular Living LLC you affirm your knowledge and agreement to the following:


Your identity and the nature of your sessions will be kept private from any third parties unless you provide written consent. Even if you refer a future client (big thank you if this is the case), Spectacular Living LLC / will not assume that this individual knows you have personally engaged our services on prior occasion, nor will we reveal this to the referee, unless the individual expressly indicates prior knowledge that you have worked directly with us, and that you shared this information with the referee.

There are 2 exceptions to confidentiality:
1. When disclosure is imminent to prevent harm to yourself or others;
2. When legal demands require that confidential material be released;

Document Integrity

Notes may be taken during sessions as a tool for the coach to remain focused on you and as a reference to gain clarity to provide a service to you as a client in the best way possible. All handwritten notes will be kept in a secured file under lock and key or shredded for confidentiality purposes. Any and all notes taken electronically such as a word document will be secured in a password protected file.

Please reference our confidentiality policy and clause in our Coach and Client Agreement.

Turnaround Time / Scheduling

On each Services page on, we regularly post and update our current availability / date upon which we can kick off a new session. Please be sure that this launch timing aligns with your level of urgency prior to placing an order.

Once you place an order, you will receive an immediate confirmation email, which will contain next steps for the session. You will then, within one business day, receive a comprehensive kickoff email for the session and – if appropriate – a link into the Spectacular Living LLC calendar, so you may book your initial consult.

Due to consistently high client demand, we are rarely able to accommodate RUSH sessions. If you wish to discuss an accelerated timeline in advance, please contact [email protected].

In order for us to help you move through the session efficiently, we ask that you promptly complete and return any provided agreement, intake form, questionnaire and / or forward materials that we request in the session kickoff email. Our turnaround times will directly correlate with your timing in providing us completed agreement, intake forms, questionnaire, requested supplemental input, responses to our inquiries and feedback on works in progress.

Spectacular Living LLC reserves the right to extend the deadline of the session and/or quote an expanded session fee if you request or require work that extends beyond the scope of the service or package ordered.

Refund Policy

Payments for completed services are non-refundable. Likewise, if you order a bundled package and do not utilize all the components of it, we do not adjust pricing. However, we will accommodate you should you wish to “bank” any session in the short-term (for example, you ordered a 15-session package and 10 sessions in you decide you would like to spread out the last 5 sessions over a course of a few months.)

If you blip off our radar mid-sessions, we’ll likely follow up with a gentle reminder, but we won’t hound you to finish up your sessions. Our goal is to enable you to achieve your goals within 60 days or less of our initial consult.

If you discontinue communication with us, we reserve the right to consider your sessions abandoned and complete 90 days from your initial purchase, at which point no refunds will be issued.

This is not because we are mean (we are very un-mean); it’s because it is difficult to manage our flow of client sessions when long-absent clients pop up when we’re not expecting you.

Should you need a session extension for any reason, please contact Spectacular Living LLC at [email protected] to discuss.

The Client and Coach Relationship

The Parties understand that the Client-coach relationship is an alliance and not a legal relationship. The Client acknowledges and understands the Services of the Coach is an inclusive and comprehensive process that may delve into certain areas of the Client’s personal life, including but not limited to, the Client’s life, relationships, career, education, recreation, fitness and finances. The Client fully acknowledges that it is his or her ultimate personal decision as to how he or she decides to implement the Transformational Coach’s services, techniques, advice into such his or her life. The Client acknowledges and understands that the Services rendered by the Transformational Coach is not therapy and under no circumstances is it a substitute for therapy if needed. Further, the Transformational Coach and Services does not diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any mental disease or disorder.

Description of coaching. Coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between a coach and a client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the development of personal, professional, or business goals and to develop and carry out a plan for achieving those goals.

1. Your Coach agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior established by the International Coach Federation (“ICF”) found at You should review the ICF Code of Ethics and the applicable standards of behavior.
2. You are solely responsible for creating and implementing your own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of or resulting from the coaching relationship and your coaching calls and interactions with the Coach. As such, you agree that the Coach is not, and will not be, liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Coach. You acknowledge that coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.
3. You acknowledge that you may terminate or discontinue the coaching relationship at any time.
4. You acknowledge that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve different areas of your life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. You agree that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching principles into those areas and implementing choices is exclusively your responsibility.
5. You acknowledge that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association and that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals and that it is your exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed. If you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended that you promptly inform the mental health care provider of the nature and extent of the coaching relationship agreed upon by you and your Coach.
6. You understand that in order to enhance the coaching relationship, you should communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the program.


The parties agree to engage in a Coaching Program through in-person, or video meetings.

The services provided by Spectacular Living LLC are generally conducted via Zoom, FaceTime, Google or in person. Coaching is a partnership focused on developing the client’s awareness, thinking, and abilities in order to help the client identify and achieve his/her related goals. In coaching conversations, I will be direct and honest and encourage the Client to do the same. The success of the coaching engagement depends upon the Client’s commitment and openness to the process. If the Client believes that coaching is not working as desired, the Client agrees to communicate this to the Coach. Please note that life/business coaching should not be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and I will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy.

Terms of Coaching

We invite you to think of Coaching as a process. Many people create change for themselves in a short time. However, to refine and sustain the change takes several months. Although not binding, I would ask that you expect to continue to apply your new expanded perspective beyond our Coaching relationship.

My Coaching Commitment

• I will hold a safe space for you.
• I will honor the time that we are together and hold your confidences.
• I will not judge you and will respect your perceptions of the world.
• It is not my job to change you. It is my privilege to bring into awareness, clarity of choices, and if you choose, action to your life.
• This is my personal commitment to you to be impeccable with my word and keep my commitments to you.
• I will present an open heart.
• I will actively listen to understand.
• I will always hold you in positive focus. We will concentrate on what is working in your life and how to create more that will work for
• I believe you have all the answers within.



Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Spectacular Living LLC makes no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied with respect to the coaching services negotiated, agreed upon and rendered. In no event will your Coach or Spectacular Living LLC be liable to you for any indirect, consequential, or special damages. Notwithstanding any damages that the Client acquire and/or incur, Spectacular Living LLC and the Life Coach’s under this Life Coaching Agreement, and the Client’s sole remedy, will be limited to the amount actually paid by or on your behalf to Spectacular Living LLC under this Agreement for all coaching services rendered through and including the termination date.

Client agrees that the Coach is not responsible for any inaction or actions, or for any indirect or direct result(s) of any Services rendered by the Transformational Coach.

The Coach makes no guarantees, warranties.

In engaging the services of Spectacular Living LLC, you expressly agree to all terms outlined in this agreement and all terms and policies posted on If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Spectacular Living LLC at or via email at [email protected].

Return Policy

Cancellations, Refunds & Returns

Spectacular Living LLC services are non-refundable once you have completed the order process. If you’re unable to attend purchased coaching / consulting sessions or participate in the development process for purchased services, please contact Spectacular Living LLC within 5 business days of order and we will issue a time extension, good for six months, which can be used towards the cost of any current, or future, Spectacular Living LLC service, subject to approval of Spectacular Living LLC.

If you are an in-progress client and discontinue communication with us, we reserve the right to consider your sessions abandoned and complete 90 days from your initial purchase. Please see our Terms of Service for additional details.

If you ordered a book (e-book, course, etc.), you will find the return policy for that particular product listed within the third party link.

If you’re on the fence about whether something would be a good fit for you, absolutely email us at [email protected] any time and ask questions to your hearts content.

Privacy Policy


(We completely wanted to write these in gibberish or blah, blah, blah, but the lawyers frowned on it.)



The terms “I”, “we”, “us”, “our” “Spectacular Living”, and “” refer to Spectacular Living LLC. The term “user,” “you” and “your” refers to site visitors, customers, and any other users of the site.

The term “personal information” is defined as information that you voluntarily provide to us that personally identifies you and/or your contact information, such as your name, phone number, and email address.

Spectacular Living LLC provides a website where users can read articles on life, business, and “loneliness at the top” finding fulfillment branding and a service where users may purchase 1:1, group, master courses, webinars, retreats, stage speaking services, and digital products related to transformational coaching and published reading material (the “Service”).

Use of, including all materials presented herein and all services provided by Spectacular Living LLC, is subject to the following Terms & Conditions. These Terms & Conditions apply to all site visitors, customers, and all other users of the site. By visiting the Site or engaging our Service, you agree to these Terms & Conditions, without modification, and acknowledge reading it.

Use of the Site + Service

To access or use the Site, you must be 18 years or older and have the requisite power and authority to enter into these Terms & Conditions. 

Privacy Policy

Personal Information. In order to provide our Service, you may be required to provide information about yourself, including your name, email address, username and password, and other personal information. You agree that any registration information you give to Spectacular Living LLC will always be accurate, correct, and up to date. You must not impersonate someone else or provide account information or an email address other than your own.

Your Payment Information. We collect payment information for each order but we do not store payment information on servers. We also do not have access to your credit card number or any other account details tied to your method of payment. Our e-commerce software providers securely communicate and process your payment information.

All personal information collected for an order is used for the fulfillment of that order and to manage our customer relationship with you.
Blog Comments / Inquiries. We only collect the personal information you voluntarily provide to us which may include: Your email address in order to subscribe to our mailing list; Your name, email address, and/or social media profile in order to post a comment on our blog; Your name, email address and message in order to contact us via our contact form.

Activity. We may record information relating to your use of the Site, such as the searches you undertake, the pages you view, your browser type, IP address, requested URL, referring URL, and timestamp information. We use this type of information to administer the Site and provide the highest possible level of service to you. We also use this information in the aggregate to perform statistical analyses of user behavior and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the Site.
Cookies. We may send cookies to your computer in order to uniquely identify your browser and improve the quality of our service. The term “cookies” refers to small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer’s hard drive while you are viewing the Site. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them). You have the ability to accept or decline cookies using your web browser settings. If you choose to disable cookies, some areas of the Site may not work properly or at all.

Third-Party Links: The Site may contain links to third-party websites. Except as otherwise discussed in the Terms & Conditions, this document only addresses the use and disclosure of information we collect from you on this Site. Other sites are accessible through this Site via links or otherwise have their own policies in regard to privacy. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of third parties.

Security Measures: We maintain security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure. However, no exchange of data over the Internet can be guaranteed as 100% secure. While we make every effort to protect your personal information shared with us through our Site, you acknowledge that the personal information you voluntarily share with us through this Site could be accessed or tampered with by a third party. You agree that we are not responsible for any intercepted information shared through our Site without our knowledge or permission. Additionally, you release us from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of such intercepted information in any unauthorized manner.

Sharing Information. Please be aware that when you use our Site to post comments and share other information, any information that you provide may not be secure and can be collected and used by others. You should exercise caution before you make such disclosures.

Opt-In List. We collect your email address when you voluntarily opt-in to our email list or download a free product. We will use this information to share the specific information you have requested and to provide periodic tips, discounts, alerts, and occasional recommendations related to products or offerings our customers might find useful. You can unsubscribe at any time. Every email we send to the members of our opt-in / subscriber list will contain an opt-out link at the bottom of the page. If you prefer to no longer receive communications from us,  you can click to have your name removed from our e-mail list.

If you would prefer that we manually remove you from our email list, please forward this request to us at [email protected]

Lawful Purposes

You may use the Site and Service for lawful purposes only. You agree to be financially responsible for all purchases made by you or someone acting on your behalf through the Site. You agree to use the Site and to purchase services through the Site for legitimate, non-commercial purposes only. You shall not post or transmit through the Site any material which violates or infringes the rights of others, or which is threatening, abusive, defamatory, libelous, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane or otherwise objectionable, contains injurious formulas, recipes, or instructions, which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any law. In short, use your marbles. 

Refusal of Service

The Services are offered subject to our acceptance of your session(s). Spectacular Living LLC reserves the right to refuse service to any person or entity, without the obligation to assign a reason for doing so. No session order placed is deemed accepted by us until written confirmation stating our acceptance is provided to you. Payments will be refunded to any party who is denied Service. We may at any time change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the Site or Service, subject to us fulfilling our previous responsibilities to you based on acceptance of your application.

Order Confirmation

We will email you to confirm the receipt of your order and book any associated consults or meetings. In the event that there is an error in these email confirmations, it is your responsibility to inform us as soon as possible.

If you have submitted a deposit or payment in full for a service, Spectacular Living LLC has the exclusive right to deny service if deemed necessary. If service is denied, a refund will be provided.

Cancellations, Refunds & Returns

Spectacular Living LLC services are non-refundable once you have completed the order process. If you’re unable to attend purchased coaching/consulting sessions or participate in the development process for purchased services, please contact [email protected] within 5 business days of order and we will issue a time extension, good for six months, which can be used towards the cost of any current, or future, Spectacular Living LLC product or service, subject to the approval of Spectacular Living LLC.

If you are an in-progress client and discontinue communication with us, we reserve the right to consider your project abandoned and complete 90 days from your initial purchase. Please see our Terms of Service for additional details.

If you ordered a product (book, e-book, course, etc.), you will find the return policy for that particular product listed prominently within the link providing that product.

If you’re on the fence about whether something would be a good fit for you, absolutely email us at [email protected] any time and ask questions to your heart’s content. 

Product Description

We endeavor to describe and display the Service as accurately as possible. While we try to be as clear as possible in explaining the Service, please do not accept that the Site is entirely accurate, current, or error-free. From time to time we may correct errors in pricing and descriptions because every now and again, even professional life coaches and authors make human errors. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order with an incorrect price listing.

Material You Submit to the Site

You shall not upload, post or otherwise make available on the Site any artwork, photos, or other materials (collectively “Materials”) protected by copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights. The burden of determining that any Materials are not so protected rests entirely with you. You shall be liable for any damage resulting from any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary rights, or any other harm resulting from such a submission and shall indemnify Spectacular Living LLC from any claim against Spectacular Living LLC resulting from your posting of Materials to the site. For all Materials submitted by you to the Site, you automatically represent or warrant that you have the authority to use and distribute these Materials and that the use or display of the Materials will not violate any laws, rules, regulations, or rights of third parties.

Spectacular Living LLC reserves the right to remove from the site any Materials submitted by you that it deems inappropriate for the site or that appear to violate these Terms & Conditions.

Intellectual Property Rights to Your Materials

Spectacular Living LLC does not claim ownership of the Material you supply to Spectacular Living LLC. However, the act of posting Material to the site conveys an irrevocable, worldwide license to Spectacular Living LLC to use and distribute the posted Material in connection with the website and any related Spectacular Living LLC publications. You retain copyright ownership and any other rights you may rightfully hold in any content that you submit through the Service. By submitting Material to Spectacular Living LLC, you agree to hold Spectacular Living LLC harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, and expenses arising out of any potential or actual copyright or trademark misappropriation or infringement claimed against you.

Our Intellectual Property

All content provided on the Site and in the Service, including all products and all online class and workshop materials, is the intellectual property of Spectacular Living LLC. The content of the Site and Service are protected by United States trademark, trade dress, and copyright law. You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works from, distribute, display, reproduce or perform, or in any way exploit in any format whatsoever any of the content of the Site or the Service, in whole or in part without our prior written consent. You may not remove any trademark, copyright, or other notice from the content of the Site or the Service. We reserve the right to remove you, without a refund, and to pursue all available legal remedies against you if you are caught violating this intellectual property policy. Seriously, if you see something of ours that you’d like to borrow, re-purpose or use for inspiration elsewhere, just ask us. It’ll save us all a lot of trouble.

Affiliate Disclaimer

The purpose of this website is to be educational. There are a lot of ideas here, and there are also several suggestions for tools, websites, and other resources to support your goals or growth transition. Some of the links to these tools and websites are regular links. And some are links that, if you click them and make a purchase, we may get a small commission in exchange for the introduction. Please note that Spectacular Living LLC only recommends things that we believe to be useful tools. Any funds received are just an added bonus that we shall use for such things as Expo markers, strawberry candles for the office, and an occasional pedicure.

Changed Terms

We may at any time amend these Terms & Conditions. Such amendments are effective immediately upon notice to you by us posting the new Terms & Conditions on this Site. Any use of the Site or Service by you after being notified means you accept these amendments. We reserve the right to update any portion of our Site and Service, including these Terms & Conditions at any time. We will post the most recent versions to the Site and list the effective dates on the pages of our Terms & Conditions.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that under no circumstances shall we be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive, exemplary, or any other damages arising out of your use of the Site or Service. Additionally, Spectacular Living LLC is not liable for damages in connection with (i) any failure of performance, omission, denial of service, attack, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure; (ii) loss of revenue, anticipated profits, business, savings, goodwill or data; and (iii) third party theft of, destruction of, unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of your information or property, regardless of our negligence, gross negligence, failure of essential purpose and whether such liability arises in negligence, contract, tort, or any other theory of legal liability.

The foregoing applies even if Spectacular Living LLC has been advised of the possibility of or could have foreseen the damages. In those states that do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for the damages, our liability is limited to the fullest possible extent permitted by law. In no event shall Spectacular Living LLC’s cumulative liability to you exceed the total purchase price of the Service you have purchased from Spectacular Living LLC, and if no purchase has been made by you Spectacular Living LLC’s cumulative liability to you shall not exceed $100.

Third-Party Resources

The Site and the Service contain links to third-party websites and resources. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable for the availability, accuracy, content, or policies of third-party websites or resources. Links to such websites or resources do not imply any endorsement by or affiliation with Spectacular Living LLC. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any such websites or resources.


You shall indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, settlements, liabilities, costs, charges, assessments, and expenses, as well as third-party claims and causes of actions, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, arising out of any breach by you of any of these Terms & Conditions, or any use by you of the Site or Service. You shall provide us with such assistance, without charge, as we may request in connection with any such defense, including, without limitation, providing us with such information, documents, records, and reasonable access to you, as we deem necessary. You shall not settle any third-party claim or waive any defense without prior written consent.

Effect of Headings

The subject headings of the paragraphs and subparagraphs of this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of any of its provisions.


No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement by Living LLC shall be deemed or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provisions, whether or not similar, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by Spectacular Living LLC.


All notices, requests, demands, and other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing and properly addressed as follows:

Spectacular Living LLC

[email protected]

Governing Law; Venue; Mediation

This agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California as applied to contracts that are executed and performed entirely in California. The exclusive venue for any arbitration or court proceeding based on or arising out of this Agreement will be in California. The parties agree to attempt to resolve any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement by mediation, which shall be conducted under the then-current mediation procedures of The CPR Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution or any other procedure upon which the parties may agree. The parties further agree that their respective good faith participation in mediation is a condition precedent to pursuing any other available legal or equitable remedy, including litigation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution procedures.

Recovery of Litigation Expenses

If any legal action or any arbitration or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged disputed, breach, default, or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it or they may be entitled.


If any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement is held by an arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the rest of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.


These Terms & Conditions bind and inure to the benefit of the parties successors and assigns. These Terms & Conditions are not assignable, delegable, sub-licensable, or otherwise transferable by you. Any transfer, assignment, delegation, or sub-license by you is invalid.

Alrighty then! That’s it. (See why we wanted blah, blah, blah?)

Updated: February 01, 2024

Website Analytics with Google Analytics

This website utilises Google Analytics 4, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC, after obtaining user consent. The relevant controllers are Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland, for users from the EU/EEA and Switzerland. Google Analytics 4 practices IP anonymisation by default, meaning your IP address is instantly shortened when interacting with this website. Only under rare circumstances will your full IP be transferred to a US-based Google server and shortened there. Google maintains that the IP transferred via Google Analytics will never be combined with other Google data. Google Analytics 4 only activates upon your approval via the cookie banner, and can be undone anytime through the cookie settings.

Data processed includes: usage data such as page views, website interaction, general location, and visit duration; and communication data like shortened IP addresses, user agent, language preference and screen resolution. The purpose of this data processing is for Google to evaluate your website use on behalf of the website operator, compile reports on activity and analyze site performance. This data processing is legal, based on your consent under Art. 6 para.1 p.1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 p.1 TDDDG.

Google Ireland Limited, Google LLC and Alphabet Inc are the recipients of this data. Your website usage information is typically sent to a Google server in the U.S., an action legitimized by the European Commission’s recent adequacy decision from July 10th, 2023, which recognizes Google LLC’s certification under the EU-US Privacy Framework. In terms of data storage, any data linked to cookies is automatically deleted after a certain period of time, which is monthly for data that has reached its retention period, and a maximum of 2 years for Google Analytics cookies.

For more information on Google Analytics’ terms of use and Google’s privacy policy, please visit {link}{link-ende} and {link}{link-ende}

Google Analytics verwendet sog. “Cookies”, Textdateien, die auf dem Computer des Seitenbesuchers gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch den Seitenbesucher ermöglichen. Die durch das Cookie erzeugten Informationen über die Benutzung dieser Website durch den Seitenbesucher (einschließlich der gekürzten IP-Adresse) werden in der Regel an einen Server von Google übertragen und dort gespeichert.

Google Analytics wird ausschließlich mit der Erweiterung “_anonymizeIp()” auf dieser Website verwendet. Diese Erweiterung stellt eine Anonymisierung der IP-Adresse durch Kürzung sicher und schließt eine direkte Personenbeziehbarkeit aus. Durch die Erweiterung wird die IP-Adresse von Google innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum zuvor gekürzt. Nur in Ausnahmefällen wird die volle IP-Adresse an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gekürzt. Die im Rahmen von Google Analytics von dem entsprechenden Browser übermittelte IP-Adresse wird nicht mit anderen Daten von Google zusammengeführt.

Im Auftrag des Seitenbetreibers wird Google die anfallenden Informationen benutzen, um die Nutzung der Website auszuwerten, um Reports über die Websiteaktivitäten zusammenzustellen und um weitere mit der Websitenutzung und der Internetnutzung verbundene Dienstleistungen dem Seitenbetreiber gegenüber zu erbringen (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO). Das berechtigte Interesse an der Datenverarbeitung liegt in der Optimierung dieser Website, der Analyse der Benutzung der Website und der Anpassung der Inhalte. Die Interessen der Nutzer werden durch die Pseudonymisierung hinreichend gewahrt.

Google LLC. ist nach dem sog. Privacy Shield zertifiziert (Listeneintrag hier) und gewährleistet auf dieser Basis ein angemessenes Datenschutzniveau. Die gesendeten und mit Cookies, Nutzerkennungen (z. B. User-ID) oder Werbe-IDs verknüpften Daten werden nach 50 Monaten automatisch gelöscht. Die Löschung von Daten, deren Aufbewahrungsdauer erreicht ist, erfolgt automatisch einmal im Monat.

Die Erfassung durch Google Analytics kann verhindert werden, indem der Seitenbesucher die Cookie-Einstellungen für diese Website anpasst. Der Erfassung und Speicherung der IP-Adresse und der durch Cookies erzeugten Daten kann außerdem jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widersprochen werden. Das entsprechende Browser- Plugin kann unter dem folgenden Link heruntergeladen und installiert werden:

The website visitor can prevent data collection via Google Analytics on this website by clicking here. An “Opt-out Cookie” shall then be applied which shall prevent any future collection of the site visitors data when visiting this website.

Weitere Informationen zur Datennutzung durch Google, Einstellungs- und Widerspruchsmöglichkeiten, finden sich in der Datenschutzerklärung von Google ( sowie in den Einstellungen für die Darstellung von Werbeeinblendungen durch Google (

Spam Protection with Google reCAPTCHA

We have implemented Google reCAPTCHA in forms on our website to check whether the data entered in the forms comes from human visitors or from machines or automated programs, also known as “bots”. This tool automatically analyzes the behavior of website visitors as soon as they interact with the website using various information like IP address, length of stay, and mouse movements. The data processed includes usage data such as the website accessed, date and time of access, and mouse movements, as well as communication data like IP addresses, browser type, and operating system. This processing is targeted at website visitors and users of online services. The primary purpose of this processing is to prevent the misuse of our contact form, thereby enhancing security. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. GDPR. The data recipients include Google Ireland Ltd, based at Google Building Gordon House, Barrow St, Dublin 4, Ireland, ( and our website hosting provider. While your personal data is processed within the EU, the retention time for the processed data is determined by Google Ireland Limited. Additional information can be found in the Google reCAPTCHA privacy policy:

Website Analytics (Jimdo Statistics)

When you visit our website, we collect information about your usage through a web analytics tool provided by our hosting service. This tool collects and combines your IP address and user agent, shortens it and stores this data using a hash function. This process creates a visitor identifier that is encrypted with a randomly generated value (SALT) that changes every 24 hours. This method ensures that your IP address cannot be reconstructed from the stored visitor identifier, thus maintaining your anonymity. In addition, we do not merge this information with any other data and it is stored only on the hosting provider’s server.

We also process web analytics data, HTTP data and web analytics profile data. The web analytics tool we use creates and stores a web analytics profile, which includes details about your use of the website, such as page views, visit frequency, time spent on each page, and the user agent of your device. This includes usage data (such as web pages visited and access times) and communication data (such as browser type, operating system and IP addresses).

Our purpose in processing this data is to analyse user behaviour in aggregate form in order to improve the presentation and content of our website. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. (f) GDPR), in particular in carrying out web measurements in order to improve our products and website.

The data collected is shared with our website hosting provider and processed within the EU.

Cookie Policy

By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively. We also eat cookies because they are delicious – frosted butter cookies are always a solid choice. (Just saying.)

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